Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sri Hoysaleswara Temple, Halebeedu, Karnataka

The Hoysaleswara, a 12th century temple dedicated to Shiva., is located in Halebeedu, Karnataka- the capital of the Hoysala Empire. It was built by King Vishnuvardhana. The temple is a fusion of Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, and Jainism. The twin temple is dedicated to Hoysaleswara and Santaleswara Shiva Lingams, which are named after the mae and female aspects- joined and equal. Like many Shiva temples, a nandi faces the lingam inside. the temple also houses a sanctum dedicated to the Sun god, Surya. the temple is carved from soapstone and is noted for it intricate sculptures and inscriptions.

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